Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter. May your day be full of sunshine, rainbows, laughter, and fun!

To our beloved daughter, on your birthday, we wish that all your wishes will come true. We want you to know that we love you and may you have many more birthdays to come.

May your day be filled with happiness and love. May all of your wishes and dreams be fulfilled on your special day, As ours was the day you were born. Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to you, our little angel! Our wish is for you to love life and to never cease dreaming. May you always be surrounded with beauty and happiness!
We always thought that we would be the ones to teach you how to be a good daughter. But it turned out that you have been teaching us how to be good parents all along. Happy birthday.
The Gods smiled on us, the angels blessed us and the fairies worked their magic on our lives on the day you were born. Happy birthday.
More than being a daughter, you have been a friend. Thanks for being so mature through all of life’s bends. Happy birthday.

Daughter, today I am celebrating the best gift I ever received. Thank you for coming into my world.
To our dearest daughter… go forth and live your dreams. Life isn’t as cruel as it seems. Yes, sometimes it’ll be tough. It’ll feel as if you’ve had enough. Stride ahead, shun your fears. For you, we’re always here. Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday, Daughter. You have been such a blessing in my life. I can’t wait to see what joys you have in store for the coming year!
As long as I can keep showering my love on my daughter, I will be happy now and forever. Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday, Daughter. You have been such a blessing in my life. I can’t wait to see what joys you have in store for the coming year!
Daughters like you are fairies. They make their parents’ lives magical like a surreal fairy tale. Happy birthday.
All the best birthday wishes for my daughter and wish her all the happiness in the whole wide world. Happy birthday princess!
Happy birthday, sweetie! We want you to know that you have brought more light into our lives than a gazillion suns.
You are certainly the brightest part of our lives and our prayer is for you to grow up and become a fine young lady.
Happy Birthday to my favorite princess! Have a royal time today.
Your happiness and your success these are the only two things we want in life and we are doing everything we can to help you get them. Happy Birthday.
Greetings on your special day! I hope it exceeds your highest expectations.
Daughter, you are treasured by us and by everyone that has been graced by your presence! I am wishing you a wonderful day!
As parents, all we want is for you to grow and become a better person each day. May you touch the life of so many people and be an inspiration and a blessing to them, the way you are to us. Happy birthday to the most wonderful daughter in the world!
Your mommy loves you, more than chocolate parfait. You daddy loves you, more than any of his mates. You make every single day beautiful, vibrant and sweet – you are truly our lives’ ultimate treat. Happy birthday.
Dear daughter, another year has passed and we are happy to see you grow even more beautiful and wiser each year. Our baby, our little girl, our sweet daughter, we love you. Happy Birthday!
I am sending you lots of smiles and hugs today. I am so very proud of you! Happy Birthday!
As long as I can keep showering my love on my daughter, I will be happy now and forever. Happy birthday.
A daughter is the chapter without which the story of her parents’ life can never be complete. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to my precious little angel! You truly are becoming more wonderful and adorable each day. And for that, you amaze me sweetie! May you enjoy your birthday!
Another year has passed, and you grow more beautiful and grand each year. My baby, my little girl, my daughter, I love you.
To our beloved daughter, today we are celebrating the best gift that we have ever received and that is your birth. Thank you for being a blessing into our life. Happy Birthday!
Our life’s pride and our never-ending happiness is what you are our dear little princess. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to my girl! May today bring you all of the happiness in the world.
To our dearest daughter… go forth and live your dreams. Life isn’t as cruel as it seems. Yes, sometimes it’ll be tough. It’ll feel as if you’ve had enough. Stride ahead, shun your fears. For you, we’re always here. Happy birthday.
Dear daughter, best wishes on your birthday! I wish that your celebration will be as sweet as you are.
To us, you are more precious than all the diamonds in the world. No one can ever put a price tag on the love that we have for you. Happy birthday our darling daughter!
You have brightened my world, Dear daughter, and I wish you a sparkly Birthday, colorful new discoveries and a dazzling year ahead. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to my sweet Daughter. I thought I knew what love was all about until the day I first met you. Happy Birthday, my love.
May all of your dreams and wishes come true today and every day.
I still remember the time, our daughter when you became. After you came into our lives, things were never the same.
Everything became beautiful, prettier and more lovable. We realized that you are not just our daughter, but an angel so special. Happy birthday.
Dear daughter, I want you to know that I truly love being a parent to you. May today bring you lots of sweets,
treats, hugs and love! Happy Birthday !
On the day that you were born, We were blessed with the cutest and the most adorable daughter. We decided to commit our lives to doing everything we could to be the best parents ever. Happy Birthday.
I am sending you this message to say I hope you have a wonderful day! Happy Birthday.
From the day you came into our lives, your natal day has always been an event that we celebrate with great joy. That is because you are our greatest pride. Happy birthday, our beloved daughter.
All the princesses of the world should learn a thing or two about being princesses from a daughter like you. Happy birthday to our little princess.
You brighten my life every day! I hope today is bright for you as well. Happy Birthday.
Have a great day! I cannot wait to celebrate with you later.
Sure, you are my daughter. However, this is not the only title that perfectly describes you in my life. You are my best friend and the love of my life. Thank you for your undying love, unending care and your amazing intelligence and humor! Love you lots and lots, happy birthday!
To our beloved daughter, you have always made us very proud and for that, we are forever grateful. Happy Birthday to you!
Daughter, today I am celebrating the best gift I ever received. Thank you for coming into my world.
Having a daughter is truly a gift from God. This also means seeing a thousand rainbows each day and a thousand more reasons to smile every day! Happy birthday to your our dear daughter!
Cute and Pretty, Beautiful and Lovely, Charming and Bubbly, Innocent and Friendly. Dear daughter, You are all of the above, Endless for you is our love. Happy Birthday.
There is a deeper meaning to why we call you our little princess. Nothing in our lives matters more than your happiness. Fly, rise above and reach out for everything you want in life. As your parents we will always be there to help you in strife. Happy birthday.
May your day be one of fulfilled wishes and happy surprises!
There is nobody compares to you, our lovely daughter. We are so happy to see you grow to be such an incredible woman as you are now. May you continue to be an inspiration to the people who love you. Happy Birthday!
Daughters are like the sunlight that reflects on the raindrops of our lives to make beautiful rainbows. Happy Birthday.
The most beautiful flower of the world does not belong to an exotic tropical forest or remote grassland… it belongs to family and it is my daughter. Happy birthday.
We thought that the most beautiful memory of our lives would be the moment you we held your tiny fingers for the first time. But every single priceless moment of watching you grow up has made our lives as beautiful as a lovely rhyme. Happy birthday.
We love you our dear daughter to the moon and back. Happy birthday to you, our sweet little princess!
Sometimes I think about how wonderful a daughter you are to me. It reminds me of all the happy times and beautiful memories. Happy Birthday.
Dear daughter, may you always stay happy and healthy… That way, you can still take care of us when we become old. Happy Birthday!
For my Daughter on her Birthday… I’d capture the stars in the sky, the sun and moon for you, but they would only pale
in comparison to your brilliance.
Bringing up a beautiful daughter like you, as been the biggest achievement of our lives. Happy birthday.
I am wishing you the best of days and many more happy birthdays!
No words can tell how much I love you, baby! A happy life with many happy moments is all I wish for you, my girl!
Happy 20th birthday to the most amazing daughter, friend, and a cute person in the world! You are an inspiration to me and everyone around you! I love you with my entire heart, babe. Enjoy this day!
Here is the weather forecast for today,there shall be showers of blessings all over you and a heavy downpour of gods love all around you. Happy Birthday Daughter!!
Every day you make me proud. But today you get a card. Happy Birthday!
No Matter How Many Birthdays Come And Go, You’ll Always Be My Little Girl. Happy Birthday Daughter.