Thanks for being close to each other and giving us such a wonderful home to be proud of. You proved once again that true love can accomplish anything in this world. I wish you all the best on this special occasion.

Happy 25th Anniversary, my lovely parents! You two are the best example of how a couple can push through every obstacle and build a beautiful family!

To the most beautiful couple in the world, my parents, may you enjoy this special milestone of 25 years of marriage.
You deserve to have a wonderful celebration in honor of 25 years of marriage. May every moment be special, Mom and Dad.
Mom and Dad, you have loved each other through many milestones, but this is one of the best. Have a marvelous 25th wedding anniversary.
Even after 25 years of marriage, you are still the cutest couple I know. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.
My heartiest congratulations to you as you have completed 25 years together under one roof. Thanks for being an amazing couple and a wonderful parent to us. God bless you!
May you always remain together and brighten up each other’s life. Keep it up mom-dad. Happy 25 years of married life.
Best wishes from my side for the years ahead. Thanks for making me and everyone else realize that love exists. Happy 25th wedding anniversary!
Dear mom-dad, you have proved that love isn’t just a fairy tale. Happy 25 years of love, joy, happiness!
Mom and Dad, it’s been 25 years, and you still do. Your legacy is amazing.
Your marriage inspires awe, and I want to be the first to wish you a happy 25th anniversary, Mom and Dad.
May your marriage bloom like a flower every year, may there be only laughter and no tear!
You were always with each other in time of sorrows and difficulty, many times I saw you both tolerating each other’s mistakes and faults. You actually taught us how to live happily and be patient in life.
Its your 25th anniversary parents, and I don’t want to say anything because your smile is saying all by itself. Happy 25 years of togetherness.
May your love story never have an end, wish you a very happy 25th anniversary Dad and Mom!
Mom and Dad, you have spent 25 years in each other’s company, fought every battle together and loved fiercely! Happy Silver Wedding Anniversary!
Happy 25th wedding anniversary to two beautiful angels, also known as Mom and Dad. May your celebration be as full of joy and light as the two of you.
Mom-dad,you guys have set a true example of love. You love for each other has reached the peak. Congratulations for your 25th marriage anniversary!
Only great partners can stay together all these years and raise children with love and care. You are the happiest couple I have ever known. Happy 25th anniversary, dear mom and dad!
Cheers to my parents who inspire me daily. May your 25th wedding anniversary be a day of celebration and joy.
It’s not the number that defines the love you have for each other, it’s the happiness that surrounds you every moment in your life. Happy 25th anniversary mom and dad!