Every moment we have spent together will be
a memory that I will hold close to my heart.
But now is the time to move on and make a new start.
We are breaking up but I don’t regret
being girlfriend and boyfriend.
We have always understood each other
and I hope our friendship never ends.

The problem with our relationship was that you kept
thinking about the fights we had in the past while
I kept thinking about the smiles we would share in the future.

Our breakup will hurt me as much as it hurts you,
but it is something that we must do.
Our fights and arguments have ripped our love to shreds,
there’s no point in trying to revive something that is already dead.

Heartbreak is something that I never wanted to give to you.
My decision to dump you is going to hurt me too.
But I don’t expect you to understand any of this,
you concern for our relationship has always been remiss.

When I loved you,
I loved you so much that
I never thought of hating you.
But now that I hate you,
I hate you so much that
I can never think of loving you again.

Our relationship was not a mistake
but it is definitely something
I would not want to do again.
We are so different that being in
love causes us both so much pain.
Goodbye forever. Lose my number and all my contact details.
It is better to be happy alone than to be miserable with
a man like you.
I never felt true love until I was with you,
and I never felt true sadness until you left me.
A breakup is not something
I had on my mind but
I still want it – just like
how love was not on yours
but you still pretended to.
Breaking up with you is the only thing in
my life that sounds terribly wrong but
feels soulfully right. Goodbye.
We need to slow things down girl because
I feel like we are moving too fast and
I am not ready to take things to the next level yet.
Time apart may actually give us new insights as
to whether we are meant to be together or not.
Staying far never breaks relation,
Staying near never builds relation,
Its a link between hearts,
Which never allows us to forget each other.!
I knew I fell in love with you on the day when
my heart became yours and refused to be mine.
Today it’s time to walk away because your
heart refuses to be mine.
I cannot believe that you would disrespect me in front of your friends.
It shows that I am nothing more than a boy toy to you and
I will not take such humiliation any more.
I am sorry this is goodbye.
Love hurts when you breakup with someone.
Hurts even more when someone breaks up with you
But love hurts the most, when the person you love
has no idea how you feel.
Our breakup may be bitter but it won’t leave lasting scars.
Our relationship has been an awesome ride all along.
It is just unfortunate that after every party,
a hangover is inevitable.
It was easy for you to pretend
that you were in love with me.
But it won’t be easy for me to
pretend that I am not heartbroken.
I know I said I loved you but
I am sorry someone else has taken
your place in my heart. It is not your fault,
it just happened and I am terribly sorry.
I hope you find a woman worthy of your love.
Relationships are like glass..
Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken
Try to hurt yourself putting it back together..
I will never understand what made you lie,
cheat and betray but I sure am not going to
wait to find out. Goodbye.
Talking too much will not resolve
things between us dear girl.
Time apart will help us think rationally
and maybe later we may even get back together.
But for now let us just say goodbye.
Break my heart
destroy my soul
leave me crying
I’d still love you
I won’t expect you to
love me in return.
Things would have never come to the point of walking away,
if you had not kept deceiving me with your lies every day.
You promised me over and over again that
you would get help for your addictions and
I believed you and that is why I stayed
by your side this long.
But it is now apparent that you have
no intention of getting help and
I cannot continue to live in fear and hurt.
I am sorry that I have to say goodbye.
I was born the day I met you,
lived a while when you loved me,
died a little when we broke apart.
Much as it hurts you when I say we need to end things between us,
it hurts me more. But for our own sakes and sanity it is better this way.
I wish you love and may you one day meet a special woman who will just be right for you.
I hide my tears when I say your name but
the pain in my heart is still the same.
Though I smile and seem carefree theres
no 1 who misses you more than me!!
Our relationship was always about give and take…
until you stopped giving but never stopped taking.
Baby it hurts me so much to have to say goodbye but things
have not been good between us for a long time now.
You are a wonderful woman and I wish you love.
The problem with our relationship was that you
were busy trying to mould it according to the
whims and fancies of everyone around us while
I was busy enjoying it for what it was. Goodbye.