Sending you best wishes and lots of love after your recent surgery. Hoping for a very quick recovery back to full health.

I am glad your surgery was successful, get lots of rest and regain your strength at home. Get well soon.
All our prayers are going out to you for a speedy recovery from your surgery. Get well soon.
Hoping my prayers bring you a full recovery and good health for many years to come.
Get well soon my dear friend, I hope you feel better soon. I am missing you a lot.
I heard the surgery went ahead perfectly. So glad to hear that and can’t wait to see you soon. All the best.
Keep your spirits up and stay positive. You’re through the worst, the surgery is over, you can now just focus on getting well again.
Congratulations you made it, I am happy to hear that the surgery was over. I am praying for your full recovery.
Our thoughts are with you as you recover from your surgery. Feel better soon.
I pray to the Lord to recover you faster than anything from the serious illness and wish you a speedy recovery.
Just a quick note to send you my best wishes after your surgery. You’re so brace. I’m hoping you feel back your old self as soon as possible.
I hope to brighten your day with my get well soon card. I promise to give you a treat at your favorite restaurant after recovery.
I am sending my big hug through this note, I wish your recovery soon after this big surgery. I miss you.
We all care about you, congratulations to a successful surgery. Get well soon.
Great news to hear your surgery went so well. Take care and feel better soon!
I hope you are feeling much better after the surgery. Just be patient with your recovery. I am sending my love and prayers through this note.
I care about you so much, and am wishing you all the best on your recovery from surgery.
I heard your surgery went well, I am sorry I was not able to visit you in the hospital. I hope to see you visit you at home, get well soon!
So pleased to hear you’re doing well after the surgery! Rest, take your time and it won’t be long until your racing around again enjoying life.
I thank the Lord that your surgery went well, I pray that you continue to recover soon and get back your good health.
Going through a surgery is a tough challenge to anyone, I know the feeling since I have undergone surgery last year. May the Lord bless you and give you the strength to overcome this challenge.
I have always admired your strength and courage and you have proved yourself during your surgery. I wish you get well really soon.
Get well soon to a strong woman like you. I will visit you soon but till then hang on and be positive. You made it through the big surgery and you are ready to face the world again. We all are there for you.
Hold on to the Lord, He will not forsake you. I will keep on praying for your fast recovery.
Looking forward to seeing you smile again after your surgery. Get well soon!
A surgery can be a painful one, physically and emotionally tiring. Do not worry, you are showered by our love and prayers for your full recovery. May God send you angels at your bedside always.
I know surgery is horrible but you’re amazing for how well you coped and came through it. From now on it’s all about recovering well and getting back to your old life.
Do not worry too much about your business, it is time to slow down now. Your health is too important to ignore. Get well soon.