I pray to God that the Full Moon brighten your life with new hope and energies. I wish that you enjoy happiness and peace of mind. Sending warm wishes to you on Full Moon Day.

Whatever you wish for, I wish for you too. And pray that your hopes, dreams and wishes come true! Happy Full Moon Day!

As Full Moon Day arrives, it is time to begin good things. It is time to bring in the change in your life, to work harder to achieve your goals. Wishing you positive energy and Happy Full Moon Day.
Moon is the closest star to Earth and also the most influential. Let us pray for positive effect of this beautiful star on our lives. Let us pray for happiness and health. Happy Full Moon Day.
Moon controls our mind and emotions. On the occasion of Full Moon Day, I pray that you are blessed with a calm and composed mind to have control over your emotions. Happy Full Moon Day.
Moon has arrived to fill your dreams with new colors. On the occasion of Full Moon Day, I pray for positive energy in your life to bring the desired change for good. Happy Full Moon.
Have a brightest night for you, Full Moon Day.
Let the beauty of Full Moon inspire us to bring a change in our lives. Let it motivate us to keep moving ahead to achieve our goals. Wishing you a bright and Happy Full Moon Day my friend.
Wishing you on a full moon day, peace and joy to you and your family. Happy Full Moon Day!
Walking under the Full Moon light soothes our mind and soul. It gives us the energy to be positive and calm. Wishing you more achievements as the Full Moon Day arrives. Make the most out of it.
Just the way Moon brightens our lives, I pray to God that you also bring happiness, peace and harmony in your life with your pious deeds. Warm wishes on Happy Full Moon Day.
Looking at moon gives a pleasant feeling to eyes… May you are blessed with the same soothing effect in your life as Full Moon arrives to bring in a change in our lives. Happy Full Moon Day.