Creating a startup is a goal for many business people. Sadly, scores of dreamers never pursue this ambition, partially because they have no idea how to find the tools they need. In all fairness, technology experts have estimated that there will be 184 billion apps in existence by 2024. Sifting through what’s available can be intimidating. Here’s a helpful guide to some of the most useful business-related apps that can set you on the path to owning a lucrative venture.


Staying on the same page with everyone under your command is vital. Thankfully, technology helps employees stay in constant contact even when they are in far-flung locations. Chanty offers a variety of connection methods, including text, voice message, and video calling. Additionally, Chanty facilitates project management by letting you assign tasks, and its low price makes this app especially worthy of note.

Another option worth trying is Slack. An extremely popular program, notable features include private messaging, shared channels, and simplified file sharing.


Unless you’re in a service industry, you have merchandise or raw materials that need constant monitoring. Numerous inventory tracking apps can provide assistance with this essential aspect of your venture. Critical benefits include automation, reduction in pricing errors, and streamlining of management. If you’re interested in increasing efficiency with wholesale purchases, look for ERP software for wholesale distribution.


Keeping business costs organized is important. Expensify allows you to scan receipts and record purchases as soon as they happen, no matter where they take place. It works with both Android and iOS, plus it integrates smoothly with a variety of other business apps. There’s also FreshBooks, which includes time tracking, invoice creation, and budgetary insights. It even interfaces nicely with more than 200 third-party programs and includes customer service at no additional cost. Wave is totally free; if you like it enough, consider paying for their payroll add-on. 


Exchanging contact information with others has always been a fundamental entrepreneurial strategy. Because we’re living in a digital world, physical business cards are becoming outdated. Use a card scanner app to take away the drudgery of data entry and reduce human error. When arriving home from a business trip or conference, you’ll be thankful for card scanning apps such as ABBYY Business Card Reader, DigiCard, BizConnect and ScanBizCards.


Now that you’ve got a host of programs working in your favor, it’s time to consider developing one for your customers. Providing them with a mobile app that serves their needs is bound to make your life simpler by automating essential corporate functions. You’ll probably want to build yours so it complements your website, which typically requires significant technical expertise. Unless you are a programming wizard, hire a specialist to build a portal that blends nicely. There are more than 7,000 mobile app developers in America alone. With that much choice, you should be able to find one that is equally affordable and highly capable without much trouble.

These are only a few of the apps that can assist with the operation of ambitious startups and expand their growth. Indeed, there’s a universe of software solutions designed to improve the lives of modern business owners. Take advantage of every benefit that present-day technology has to offer.

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