On this very special day, A note of thanks is sent your way. To express my heart felt greetings To someone who is more than just a teacher. You have been there in my dark days, Leading me diligently through the way. Pulling my ship to the shore, When the storms in the sea were at a roar. For all the guidance and love you showered, Thank You Teacher today and forever.

You inspired us and added a meaning to life, With you it was easy to face every strife. To every lesson that was big or small, You were a guide who always stood very tall. Warm greetings are sent your way, To paint for you a very special day.

You did not give me life, But you taught me the art of life. Without your hard work and efforts, Without your guidance and light, Life would not have been this blossoming. And the sun would not have shone this bright,
Thank you teacher for all the lessons you taught, Thank you for the shine you forever brought.

You gave us the lesson of truth and discipline You are forever there for us without any grin. You taught us to always go the right way and make the best out of every single day

Remember all words he say words to make you social words to make you special. He is our teacher, He is our guide, Lets make him feel pride.

We take this day as an opportunity, To extend our heartfelt thanks to you. For all the patience and love you showed, For all the kind words to guide us right, This is to let you know that teacher you are simply the best.

Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. – Unknown Author

To someone who is a sincere and wonderful person as well as an amazing educator. All of your hard work and efforts are greatly appreciated.
Happy Teacher’s Day!

Accept this gift from all of us. I hope it will remind you of how a great teacher you are. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Sending my love and warmth to you, You have not only been a wonderful teacher but also friend, philosopher and guide May you have a memorable Teachers Day.

For my sweet retired teacher, for all the years you have extended your gracious effort in shaping many careers I thank you with all my heart
and extend my good wishes for you. You have been a true inspiration and a great mentor for everyone in school.

Dear Teacher, Thank You for continually Inspires me to do my best
you help me strive for goals, I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love, everything, in one person. And that person is you. Happy Teacher’s Day

Thank you for teaching me how to read and write, for guiding me to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. For allowing me to dream and soar as a kite, thank you for being my friend, mentor and light.

Teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and
always stands beside the students when they have problems. Thanks for being my teacher. Happy Teachers Day

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

Dear teacher, you have been a great mentor and guide and have shaped my career well. I thank you for your effort and hope you remain a superb mentor for others also.

Dear teacher, Thanks for supporting and enlightening all my way. If only I could have your blessing for a lifetime, I would succeed the way I have done always. Have a wonderful Teachers Day.

May not say it always. But, I mean it whenever I say it. Thank You Teacher
For all the things you have done for me. Happy Teachers Day!

Without you, we would have been lost. Thank you teacher for guiding us, inspiring us and making us what we are today. Happy Teachers Day!

When it comes to teaching no one can compete with you. Happy teachers day.

89% of teachers are suffering from throat cancer problem by teaching students.. So please BUNK the classes as much as possible & save our TEACHERS. HAPPY TEACHERS DAY

You are not only our teacher our friend, philosopher and guide to all molded into one person HAPPY TEACHERS DAY.

You are a wonderful teacher who proved that learning can be joyous and pleasant experience. Wishing you a HAPPY TEACHERS DAY.

The most extraordinary thing about a really good teacher is that he or she transcends accepted educational methods. Happy Teacher’s Day!

For Teaching Children Lessons, To Help Them As They Grow, Let This Gift Remind You, You’re The Best Teacher We Know.

Teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and always stands beside the students when they have problems. Thanks for being there Madam/Sir. Happy Teachers Day!!!

Remembering you with respect and affection for making each lesson for enjoyable session.. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Remembering you with respect and affection for making each lesson for enjoyable session. Happy Teacher’s Day!

What we are Today! Dear Teacher, Thanks for making us what we are Today. Happy Teachers Day.

I found guidance, friendship, Discipline and love, Everything in one person. And that person is you Sir. Happy Teachers Day!

A Million Beautiful Days Would Not Be Too Many And A Million Knowledge Would Be To Few To Express About Your Teachings
I Thanks God For Giving Me Such A Teacher Like U Wishing U A Happy Teacher Day.

The Award for the most wonderful teacher has been declared and it goes to You. Happy Teachers day!!

The way you teach.. The knowledge you share.. The care you take.. The love you shower.. Makes you.. The world’s best teacher.. Happy Teacher’s Day!

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